Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fargo questions and answers

Watch the sequence once, noting on the script how the scene descriptions are portrayed in the sequence. Answer in a post the following questions
1. Are they the same as the script? Most of the stage directions are the same but there is big chunk of the script missing from the actual film
2. any changes? Not changes, just some of it was taken out
3. does the script portray what you expect to see in the film? Yes, the way it describes the bar sets you up perfectly for the look of it in the film

Now view the sequence again. This time looking at the dialogue. answer the following questions based on the script for each character.
1.What is their name? Jerry
2.What type of words describe this person? Nervous, worried, easy to walk over
3.Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? i.e are they a protagonist/Antagonist? Antagonist
4.How do you know this? Because he is setting something up so his wife will get kidnapped and he can keep half of the ransom money

1.What is their name? Carl
2.What type of words describe this person? Slippery, cocky, gift of the gab, self assured, wary, suspicious
3.Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? i.e are they a protagonist/Antagonist? Antagonist
4.How do you know this? Because he is willing to kidnap Jerry's wife

1.What is their name? Grimsrud
2.What type of words describe this person? Quiet, menacing, intimidating, muscle og the duo
3.Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? i.e are they a protagonist/Antagonist? Antagonist
4.How do you know this? Again because he is helping kidnap Jerry's wife

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Basic Information
Name: Adriana
Age: Mid 20's
Nationality: Irish
Hometown: Cary
Current Residence: London
Occupation: Pychiatrist
Siblings (describe relationship): Only brother died
Spouse (describe relationship): Single
Children (describe relationship): No children
Grandparents (describe relationship): Healthy relationship with one set of Grandparents (on father's side), is not on speaking terms with other grandparents since her brother died as she blames them
Grandchildren (describe relationship): No Grandchildren
Significant Others (describe relationship): Best friend called Alistair
Relationship skills: Is not very good at building relationships, very guarded and defensive. Doesn't like to talk about things so is a very closed person
Physical Characteristics: Deep blue eyes, long, lower back length black hair, pale skin.
Height: 5"3
Weight: Slim (works out)
Race: Irish caucasian
Skin color: White
Shape of Face: Oval
Distinguishing features: Large birth mark covering half her hand
How does he/she dress? Trouser suit for work and casual kick flared jeans and tops on the weekends
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Has an occasional drink
Health: Good health as works out doesnt smoke etc.
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Elegant and classy
Greatest flaw: Her defensiveness
Best quality: Her ability to help people when having problems
Which character from a thriller film is your character most likened to? Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and AttitudesEducational Background:
Intelligence Level: High intelligence
Any Mental Illnesses? Seasonal Affective Disorder
Character's short-term goals in life: To visit a foreign country by the time she is 30
Character's long-term goals in life: To be a world renowned phyciatrist and write a book about her life's work
How self-confident is the character? Very low self-esteem
What would most embarass this character? Being rejected in public
How the Character is Involved in the StoryCharacter's role in the thriller (Protagonist/antagonist etc.):
Scene where character first appears:
Relationships with other characters:
1. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film).2. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film).3. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the film).How character is different at the end of the film from when the film began:

Three Protagonists from Thriller Films

Billy Costigan, The Departed

Billy Costigan is one of the main characters in the film and is the main protagonist.

Billy Costigan is flawed as he has a temper and it can get out of hand, he also tells several blatant lies to get himself out of trouble

The main story almost revolves around Costigan as the entire story is based on his undercover operation to arrest Costello and his gang. He is vital in this film as without him the Costello gang would not be taken down, and neither would the antagonist (the corrupted detective, Matt Damon).

Sarah Connor Terminator 2:Judgement Day

Sarah Connor is a protagonist in this film and in the 1st Terminator also.

Sarah Connor is flawed as her temper runs high most the time and she is also paranoid and believes almost everyone is after her.

She plays a vital role in this film as she is the woman who gives birth to John Connor, the man who leads the resistance against the “Machines”. It is important that she is protected and gives birth to her son as without him the human race would be completely annihilated.

Joanna Mills, The Return

Joanna Mills is the main character and protagonist in this film.

Joanna Mills has the flaw of things haunting her, she sees things from the past and lets the effect her in her everyday life making her jumpy and not trust anyone.

Joanna Mills, as the main character, plays the most important part in this film. Without her the story would not work because the things she sees from the past allow her to catch the killer that murdered her friends (later on becomes boyfriend) lover years back.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Definition of a thriller

Thriller Genre Definition

The genre of thriller is defined by many different things and also fits into many sub genres.

One of the main elements to a thriller is the sense the audience gets of being on the ‘edge of their seat’ and having the feeling of ‘cliffhanging’. Thrillers are defined by the fact that most of the time they are leading to a single goal and it usually involves some kind of situation that needs resolving.

Thrillers tend to have at least two main characters (a protagonist and an antagonist) battling against each other in some way, for example, Se7ev, 1995, David Fincher, has the detectives battling against the serial killer in the sense that they have to try and catch him.

There are various different thriller sub-genres; action thrillers, The Transporter, Louis Leterreir, 2002, crime thrillers, Reservoir Dogs, 1992, Quentin Tarentino, conspiracy thrillers, The Kingdom, Peter Berg, 2007, psychological thrillers, Hide And Seek, John Polson 2005.

All of these sub-genres have the defining elements of a thriller e.g. the protagonist and the antagonist battling against each other but they also have elements from other genres thrown in so that they do not fit solely into one category.