Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Three Protagonists from Thriller Films

Billy Costigan, The Departed

Billy Costigan is one of the main characters in the film and is the main protagonist.

Billy Costigan is flawed as he has a temper and it can get out of hand, he also tells several blatant lies to get himself out of trouble

The main story almost revolves around Costigan as the entire story is based on his undercover operation to arrest Costello and his gang. He is vital in this film as without him the Costello gang would not be taken down, and neither would the antagonist (the corrupted detective, Matt Damon).

Sarah Connor Terminator 2:Judgement Day

Sarah Connor is a protagonist in this film and in the 1st Terminator also.

Sarah Connor is flawed as her temper runs high most the time and she is also paranoid and believes almost everyone is after her.

She plays a vital role in this film as she is the woman who gives birth to John Connor, the man who leads the resistance against the “Machines”. It is important that she is protected and gives birth to her son as without him the human race would be completely annihilated.

Joanna Mills, The Return

Joanna Mills is the main character and protagonist in this film.

Joanna Mills has the flaw of things haunting her, she sees things from the past and lets the effect her in her everyday life making her jumpy and not trust anyone.

Joanna Mills, as the main character, plays the most important part in this film. Without her the story would not work because the things she sees from the past allow her to catch the killer that murdered her friends (later on becomes boyfriend) lover years back.

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