Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fargo questions and answers

Watch the sequence once, noting on the script how the scene descriptions are portrayed in the sequence. Answer in a post the following questions
1. Are they the same as the script? Most of the stage directions are the same but there is big chunk of the script missing from the actual film
2. any changes? Not changes, just some of it was taken out
3. does the script portray what you expect to see in the film? Yes, the way it describes the bar sets you up perfectly for the look of it in the film

Now view the sequence again. This time looking at the dialogue. answer the following questions based on the script for each character.
1.What is their name? Jerry
2.What type of words describe this person? Nervous, worried, easy to walk over
3.Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? i.e are they a protagonist/Antagonist? Antagonist
4.How do you know this? Because he is setting something up so his wife will get kidnapped and he can keep half of the ransom money

1.What is their name? Carl
2.What type of words describe this person? Slippery, cocky, gift of the gab, self assured, wary, suspicious
3.Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? i.e are they a protagonist/Antagonist? Antagonist
4.How do you know this? Because he is willing to kidnap Jerry's wife

1.What is their name? Grimsrud
2.What type of words describe this person? Quiet, menacing, intimidating, muscle og the duo
3.Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? i.e are they a protagonist/Antagonist? Antagonist
4.How do you know this? Again because he is helping kidnap Jerry's wife

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Emma there is some really good work in this blog, keep going! I especially like the detail in your characters profile. Your focus now is to discuss your idea with your group and then write your own version of the script. Well done! Chris.